The Honor Code

Below is the Pittsburgh Girls Choir Honor Code created by and for the choristers.  They are asked to abide by this honor code during rehearsals, special events, retreats, and tours.

I will:

  • do my part in creating a community of mutual respect and encouragement
  • do everything in my power to make everyone feel safe
  • tell a leader (choir director, appointed parent, or designated senior choristers) if I ever feel unsafe
  • work through problems with grace and forgiveness
  • bring in a teacher or chaperone if the conflict cannot be resolved
  • choose to have a good attitude with a willingness to work hard
  • welcome other choristers into my social circle by making the circle bigger
  • not enter into a dating relationship or engage in romantic activity with other choristers
  • only use prescription medication prescribed by my doctor or over the counter medication approved of by my parents
  • not participate in criminal/illegal acts of any kind
  • respect and value each chorister regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religion, country of origin
  • respect and value my instrument/body, and avoid harmful behaviors
  • not participate in any form of bullying, including cyber-bullying
  • report any type of bullying that I experience or witness
  • be willing to give up my cell phone at rehearsals and as requested on tour and retreat
  • avoid cliquey behavior